Association of Slovak Geomorphologists
Czech Association of Geomorphologists
Institute of Geography, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics, Faculty of Natural Sciences UK
jointly invite you to attend
the 23rd Annual Conference of the Czech Association of Geomorphologists
the 12th Scientific Conference of the Association of Slovak Geomorphologists
9 – 11 April 2025
Bratislava, Slovakia
Important Dates and Deadlines
- [extended] 14 March 2025: Registration deadline and submission of abstract
- [extended] 14 March 2025: Payment of the conference fee
- [extended] 14 March 2025: Workshop registration
- 17 March 2025: Notification of Workshop acceptance
Conference Programme
Wednesday 9th April 2025
- 12:00 – 13:00 – Registration
- 13:30 – 14:00 – Conference opening, Best Thesis Contest Award ceremony
- 14:00 – 15:00 – Keynote lectures
- Jozef Minár – Physical geomorphometry in digital geomorphological mapping
- Jan Hradecký, Tomáš Galia, Václav Škarpich – What we know about the hydromorphological effects of water transport? A case study of the Lower Elbe
- 15:00 – 15:30 – Coffee break
- 15:30 – 17:00 – Plenary Session I
- 17:00 – 17:30 – Coffee break
- 17:30 – Plenary meetings:
- Plenary meeting of the Czech Association of Geomorphologists
- Plenary meeting of the Association of Slovak Geomorphologists
- 19:00 – 20:30 – Welcome drink
Thursday 10th April 2025
- 9:00 – 10:15 – Plenary Session II
- 10:15 – 10:45 – Coffee break
- 10:45 – 12:00 – Plenary Session III
- 12:00 – 13:30 – Lunch Break
- 13:30 – 14:45 – Plenary Session IV
- 14:45 – 15:15 – Coffee break
- 15:15 – 16:30 – Plenary Session V
- 16:30 – 17:00 – Coffee break
- 17:00 – 18:00 – Poster Session
- 19:00 – Festive dinner
Full conference programme available HERE.
Guideline for authors
The conference’s language is English. The allotted time for oral presentation is 12 minutes + 3 minutes for discussion. Please bring your PowerPoint or PDF presentation on a USB flash drive. You will not be able to use your own notebook for your presentation. The in-room notebook will have an internet connection.
Poster presentations: Authors are kindly asked to put up their posters as soon as possible during the day of the scheduled poster display. All the material necessary for attaching the poster to the poster board will be available at the registration desk. There will be a support staff member to help you.
Conference Registration Fees
Standard registration fee:
- ASG and ČAG member: 110 EUR (VAT included)
- Regular: 125 EUR (VAT included)
- BSc, MSc and PhD student fee: 80 EUR (VAT included)
The prices include VAT. The payment is possible only by bank transfer based on the invoice issued according to the billing information provided in the registration form. When registering a participant on behalf of an institution, it is necessary to provide the exact address and VAT number. All the transfer fees have to be paid by participants or their organisations.
The paid fees are non-refundable, those who cannot attend can send a substitute participant. The conference fee includes participation in the program, an electronic book of abstracts, information and promotional materials, refreshments during coffee breaks, dinner during the social evening (Thursday), and a field trip (Friday).

the 12th Scientific Conference of the Association of Slovak Geomorphologists
Registration fees should be paid by bank transfer:
- Fio banka, a. s.
- bank account: SK50 8330 0000 0028 0159 9171
- Asociácia slovenských geomorfológov pri SAV
- Štefánikova 49
- 814 73 Bratislava
- Slovenská republika
- IČO: 31781195
ABSTRACT template
Word template [updated 12.12.2024]
Upload your abstract during the registration process.
Aula SAV (Congress centre SAS)
- Dúbravská cesta 9
- 841 04 Bratislava 4, SLOVAKIA
- https://maps.app.goo.gl/FLcXrbTTqD1Kpdrs8
If you want to come by car, please let us know your car plate number so you could park in areal of Slovak Academy of Sciences (sent to: jan.novotny@savba.sk)
Lunch options
Lunch options during the Thursday are in 15 minutes walk from Aula: Demovič, Veglife, Quan Ngon and Dobré jedlo. Scan QR code for their location.
Field trip
Friday, April 11th 2025, 8:30 – 12:00
Large river system: Danube – Ecology and human impact
The transport will be organised via participant’s cars. We will take care of the participants without the car.
- stop 1: Historical state of the Danube River (Bratislava / Karlová Ves)
- stop 2: New technology in river research (Bratislava / Čuňovo)
- stop 3: Ecology of the Danube River (Šulianské jazero)
- stop 4: Monitoring system and environmental impact of Gabčíkovo Waterwork (Gabčíkovo)
Accommodation shall be arranged individually by participants.
Accommodation facilities near the conference venue:
- Max inn Hotel Bratislava
- Hotel BRIX
- Suza
- Hotel Taxis
Organizing committee
- Ján Novotný: jan.novotny@savba.sk
- Miloš Rusnák
- Jan Klimeš
- Veronika Kapustová
- Petr Tábořík
- Igor Matečný
- Lukáš Michaleje
- Hamid Afzali
- Ashraf MD
Pre-conference Workshop: Remote Sensing in Geosciences
The pre-conference workshop will focus on the application of remote sensing technology in geoscience research and the processing of various data sources, such as satellite images from Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, LANDSAT, LiDAR point clouds, and drone images.
Workshop program is focused on:
- Basic theory on the application of remote sensing data in geomorphology
- Processing and downloading optical and radar satellite data from free and open-access sources
- SNAP software and processing of satellite and radar data
- Processing and analyses of point cloud data generated from aerial LiDAR, drone LiDAR and SfM photogrammetry
- Classification of remote sensing data and different approaches (QGIS, Python libraries)
- Interpretation and process-based evaluation of remote sensing data with application in geomorphology
The workshop is free of charge and is limited to university students, PhD students, and young researchers up to 35 years old (postdoc). Participants are required to bring their own laptop. In the case of full capacity, priority will be given to students according to the date applications are received.
8 – 9 April 2025
The workshop is organized and led by researchers from the Institute of Geography, Slovak Academy of Science (Library of Institute of Geography, 3rd floor).
- Geografický ústav SAV, v. v. i. (Institute of geography SAS)
- Štefánikova 49
- 814 73 Bratislava
- Slovakia
- https://maps.app.goo.gl/buixMiYw8nYwMSF56
- Miloš Rusnák
- geogmilo@savba.sk
Detailed workshop info available HERE.
Archived first announcement. [updated 22.10.2024]
Archived second announcement. [updated 12.12.2024]
All information is published within the third announcement. [updated 27.3.2024]